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· 4 min read
Vishal Rawat

Project management is a wild way to make sure things are progressing as they should. There is a project management technique for everything. Well, almost everything. I haven't found a project managing concept to overcome my feelings of procrastination. Someone might create it one day.

What really is Open Source?

If you're the engineering type of person that tackles humanity's problems and urgent needs by bringing together an entire community and building a "project" with them, you'll want to know about Open source. Open source refers to a philosophy of software development that emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and community-driven innovation.

Here it is again in bigger letters, for impact:

Open source refers to a philosophy of software development that emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and community-driven innovation.

And now you know what open source is. In theory, this blog post could be done!

Beyond the marketing standpoint

Technology is a concept which is ever-changing in how it is defined, its magnitude and how we as engineers develop it. In the world of technology we always find "buzz words" which reflect the recent advancements which are so efficient that they are slowly brought within the industry as a standard way of working on projects, as a team.

One such "buzz word" in the area of software development and project management is open source. Open source is a way of working on a software typically developed in a public, collaborative manner, with the source code made freely available to anyone who wants to use, modify, or distribute it. The term "open source" was coined in 1998 by a group of people in the software industry who wanted to create a new model of software development that was more collaborative and community-driven.

Open source software is often developed and maintained by a community of volunteers and contributors, who work together to improve the software and fix bugs. Consider your homework: a dry document which contains things here and there which you know is very incomplete. If you have a good enough personality (which I don't), you send this document to all your classmates who start doing bits of your homework.

The result? A fine specimen of a document which the entire class can show to your teachers for great marks! What you just did here was open sourcing your homework and let your student community work on it to create a more appealing document which is now complete.

But open source doesn't stop there

Imagine your homework to be your project, your classmates to be your community. This community observes your project and suggests various improvements within it. Be it suggesting simple changes of changing the fonts or re-working the already existing complex APIs and queries.

Example of suggestions
A simple conversation between a contributor and a project developer

Another way to look at open source can be building the big Lego City together, block by block. Everyone can add their own pieces to what has been constructed so far and everyone can see how the city is made. In this way, everyone can make the city better and use it how they want.

Software Engineers
Budding software engineers collaborating to build their project

Open source is a great way to bring like-minded developers together. Everybody around you, be a fresher student or an industry experienced individual, has had to encounter with open source technologies without even realizing it. From something we daily use like Android to Linux: the operating system used by many corporates and tech giants, there's no saying what the next big thing will be.

Open Source
Python, Dart, React, MongoDB, even this text box is open source

That's about the gist of what I wished to express regarding open source. Surely that's not everything but I do look forward to go in-depth into this topic and talk about various different things which excite me! Do look forward to upcoming blogposts and reach me out for any constructive criticism, if any, for the future blogposts.

· 4 min read
Gaurang Vishwakarma
Vishal Rawat

Welcome to our first blog

Welcome everyone to TCET Open Source's Blog Section. Here, we promote blogging in the student community. Talk about ongoing trends in tech, student life at TCET, and any topic you feel would feel great for this blog.


This particular blog will have recurring adjustments.

General Blog Guidlines

Here we define all the basic guidlines a blog should follow in TCET Open Source Blogs.

Clone the project

For being able to contribute anywhere, one must be able to clone and run projects. You can visit this tutorial to learn how to work on this project.

Basic GitHub commands

For any contributor it is very necessary to understand basic GitHub commands to begin with. There is a resources forum on TCET - Open Source Discord server where you can find relevant references for the same. There can also be a blog post regarding these commands in the future!

Understand file structure

Once you have cloned the project in your local storage, you will need to perform the following:

  1. Open the project directory and navigate to blog/.
  2. Create a folder for your blog post.
  • The folder should have the following name format:
  • Here, the date stands for the date when the post is supposed to be released. The blog title should be relevant to the content within the post.
  1. Within the folder, create This file will serve as a text document where you can format your content which will reflect in the final post.

Understand markdown files and syntax

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. The file created in your blog folder is a markdown file, similar to how index.html can be an HTML file. It is very essential for a blog contributor to understand the basic syntax of markdown. Resource forum in our Discord server covers basic syntax of these files.

First steps

Before moving any further, a blogger must know the following:

  • slug - It is the last part of the URL address that serves as a unique identifier of the blog post.
  • title - The main title of the blog post. Note that the blog title should be relevant to the content within the post.
  • authors - The list of authors who have worked on the blog post. Look below to understand how to add authors.
  • tags - It highlights the key words of the post to boost it's visibility on the internet and improve the SEO.

These four information are necessary to be present in every post. Without these, no posts will be approved and merged within the blog.

Mention Authors

Authors can be added in two ways.

  • Internally in (recommended, for outside organization contributors)
  • In the authors.yml file. (TCET Open Source Members only)

If you are not a member of the organization, you can simply append your author(s) in the following way:

- name: Name of Author 1
title: Designation, Post or About
- name: Name of Author 2
title: Designation, Post or About

Important things to take note of:

  • url: can also be an authors' personal website or portfolio.
  • image_url: requires a user to have a profile pic on their Github Account. We recommend to append a Github Profile Icon.

Adding images

Tired of good ol' textbook nerdy look on your post? Introducing: images. Images are a great way to keep the reader's attention to your posts, and now you can do that very easily:

  1. The image must be present within your blog folder. If it isn't, save the image in your blog folder.
  2. To add the image within your post, use the following syntax:
![Alt text](image.png)
  • Here, image.png stands for the name of the image you have in the blog directory. Markdown supports a great amount of image formats, ranging from png, jpg, svg, and even gifs.

Is gif pronounced gif or jif? Something to ponder upon.


Following these steps and points, you will be able to create a beautiful blog post. It's final structure would look something like this:

Alt text

With a fresh blog post ready, you can now finally create a pull request to reflect your post on our blog here!

Looking forward to new content from you all. Have fun and go contribute something great!