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A detailed overview of using Sidebars in our Documentation Website.

The Sidebars in our TCET Open Source website is a navigation element that appears on the left side of our website. It contains links to the different sections and pages of our documentation, making it easier for users to find the information they need.


📂 OrganizationThe sidebar helps you organize your documentation into logical sections and categories, making it easier for users to understand the structure of your content.
🔍 SearchabilityThe sidebar allows users to search for specific topics or keywords within your documentation, making it easier for them to find the information they need.
🛃 CustomizabilityThe sidebar is highly customizable, allowing you to add custom links, images, and other types of content to your site.
📲 Mobile optimizationThe sidebar is optimized for mobile devices, making it easy for users to navigate your site on smartphones and tablets.
🦾 AccessibilityThe sidebar is designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, ensuring that all users can access and use your documentation.


If you're looking for more information and detailed references on sidebars in Docusaurus, we would recommend checking out the official Docusaurus documentation's sidebar page

Great, now we will be heading to learn about configuring the sidebars in our website.